What Type of Ghost are You? Ghosts or poltergeists, good or bad. Though are you even a ghost at all? AlterEgo published on August 12, 2015 Stacked 1/6 Let's say you died.Are you contented with your life? Yes, you had a nice stay. No, but it's as good as it'd ever be. No, and you don't want to leave yet. No, but you are fine with death, since you have to. 2/6 Someone angers you greatly.Your response? Steam about it, but ultimately do nothing. Forgive and forget. Hold a grudge for a long time. Confront the person. Get revenge. 3/6 How much energy do you feel on the average day? Quite a lot. A bit more than most. An average amount. A bit less than most. Very little. 4/6 What emotion, of these, seems to be your biggest motivator? Compassion, love, Kindness. Anger, jealousy, Hatred. Attachment, obsession, opposition to change. Energy, Surprise, Disgust. Want for peace and change, calmness. 5/6 Why would you be stuck in limbo? There's someone you can't leave behind. You have unfinished business... There's still so much to do- you aren't ready. You're unwilling to move on. You don't think you'd be stuck in limbo. 6/6 So, who or what would you haunt? Someone who means a lot to you. Someone you dislike. Somewhere you can have a lot of fun. Anywhere important to you, or you find nice, pretty. You wouldn't haunt.