wich creepypasta will date you it has ben,jeff,liu,masky,hoddie,toby,and slenderman hope you like its midnigt so t might be a little bad minightwolf published on January 20, 2022 Stacked 1/6 (me)jeffry woods get in here(jeff)what did i tell you about calling me that now what do you want(me)ask y/n something(jeff)fine faverite colour(me)thats the only thing you can ask(jeff ) oh well red green brown yellow black white none 2/6 (me)lui woods get in here btw he has split personality his name is sully(sully/liu)DONT CALL ME THAT sorry thats was sully anyways want do you need(me) ask something(liu) um.........what do you use to kill with knife gun crowbar computer myself hachets bigger knife 3/6 proxys ask some thing(masky hoodie masky)faverite food pizza none chessecake plane chesscake none plane meat walffuls all 4/6 (me) slender man come pls(slenderman) yes child(me) ask(slenderman) do you like the woods yes no 5/6 who you want masky ben hoddie toby slenderman jeff lui 6/6 (me)benjamen lawman come here pls(ben)what(me) ask (ben)um....how about wich is more like you alone by nico collins game over by falling in reverse hide and seek by johnny t slenderman song painted smile by madam macroba hoddie song (i forget the name ) monster by skillet