Who are you from Lab Rats? Who are you from Lab Rats? Adam, Bree, Chase, or Leo, Marcus, Donald, Douglas, or Tasha. I hope you like this quiz! lexipanda published on January 25, 2018 Stacked 1/7 Me:Marcus, your next.Marcus:How evil are you? I'm very evil........ MWAHAHAHAAAAHHAHAHAH I'm not evil but I'm awesome, cool..... I'm not evil at all. I'm a good person, and I have a lot of friends.I'm not evil. I'm sorry what?I was thinking about pop tarts. I'm not really evil, all I did was play a prank on my sibling that dislocated their shoulder...... If what you mean by that is.......Me:Stop right there. 2/7 Hello people!! Today I have with me,Adam:Sup!!Bree:Hi!!Chase:Hello.Leo:Hi i'm Leo.Donald:Hi, it's me, scientific genius, and billionaire.Douglas:Hey, i'm the genius here, don't listen to him!Tasha:Hi, I'm Leo's mom, that T-Dav to you kids.Marcus:Do I have to be here?I was busy scheming ways to take out Leo.Me:Wazzup?Alright Adam, why don't you ask our first question.Adam:Um...Ok, how much do you like food? Did somebody say food?Aw man now i'm hungry. I'm off to get a burrito. I like food, but I'm painting my nails r n soooo. Me:Next question. Food is good if you eat healthy kinds like for example,Apples, Stawberries......Me:Moving on..... I like food, but i'm busy trying to be popular now.Me:I think it's obvious who this is..... Food is great especially if I make it, and did I mention if good at everything.Me:Keep going. Yeah food is good.But i'm great.Me:Ok...... Yes I do love food.Especially making it.Me:Finally a good answer! Yes yes but i'm bust scheming....Me:And we're back. 3/7 Me:Douglas and Donald you can go together.Donald:How awesome am I?Me:NoDonald:Fine.Douglas:Who do you want to get for this quiz?Donald:Yes. Adam Bree Chase Leo Marcus Tasha Donald Douglas 4/7 Me:Tasha..Tasha:What's your favorite color. I look good in everything. green All colors nothing Blue,and interesting fact, neon green is the easiest color to see. pop tarts.No turkey sandwhich!! red pink 5/7 Me:Chase, why don't you ask our next question.Chase:Ok. How smart are you?Bree:Ugh!!Me:We all knew it was coming. Pretty smart. I'm a genius. What's smart mean? I'm smart. I'm very smart I can spell any word in the dictionary. Who needs smart when you can cheat. I am soooo smart. I'm awesome not smart. 6/7 Me:Leo your up.Leo:How popular are you at school? I'm............................................................................................................................................................. Pop tarts. I have a lot of friends but i'm not popular. I'm not popular and I have no friends and i'm a liar and i'm evil. I don't go to school, but trust me when I did, I was sooooooooooooo popular Nope.I don't go. I'm working towards it........ I don't go to school but when I visit I'm soooo cool 7/7 Me:Bree do our next question.Bree:Ok!What do you wear? A sweatshirt or just a regular tee shirt, and high tops. A plaid shirt with a tee shirt under it, and high tops. A cute shirt with boots. A shirt with a joke or a picture on it.Regular pants.Sneakers. A nice blouse and cute shoes, and pants. Something awesome. A green sweater and jeans. Sweater or tee shirt, high tops, and jeans.