What Yo-Kai are you? Of course, this involves the show and game of Yo-Kai Watch. Who are you, nobody knows. PixelThorns published on March 09, 2016 Stacked 1/5 What would your ability be to do on others? Cold Read minds Paws of Furry Make people say "no way" Steal Give up Look handsome 2/5 What tribe? Charming Eerie #1 Eerie #2 Eerie #3 Mysterious #1 Mysterious #2 Tough 3/5 Who do you want? Noway Espy Peckpocket Dandoodle Coughkoff D'wanna Jibanyan 4/5 How are you to be defeated or befriended? Babblong Possessing people Played by your own game. Reading something disturbing. Forced to do opposite. Make everything handsome. Nothing special 5/5 Looks? Spiked Feathered Poodle A wall A dog A cat (Idk)