Personality Test (5) There are lots of different people in the world! Answer a couple of questions and see which person you relate to the most! MiaLove published on September 27, 2017 Stacked 1/10 What is your favorite holiday? Christmas! Whatever has the least people is great! My birthday! ME ME ME!! ALL OF THEM!! 2/10 What is your ideal vacation? Disney Land!! Duh!! A cabin in the middle of no where! I don't know... I like my house! Giving a wedgies is good enough for me! 3/10 Are you clean? If this will be shared to everyone, then YES! Sure! Uh.. Next question!! Nope! I like it messy! 4/10 What pet do you like? Dog Cat! Hamster Fleas! 5/10 You just remembered you have a test tomorrow, you... Hurry! Get it done!!! Oh, NOOOOO!! Detention... AHH!!! I wouldn't have done it if I had remembered anyway Uh. FREAK OUT TIME!!! 6/10 Your friend is in trouble with a bully, what do you do? I like my friend... But I might get hurt... Your ready to kick some bully butt! That looks fun! Idk!!! Hide in a cave?!! 7/10 Someone asks if you want to play... Yea!! Uhh... My 1 friend is good enough.. Thanks anyhew! If that means robbing a bank then ya! Depends on the person... 8/10 Last of all, who do you think you are most like? Take your time! The best person ever, smart, and famous! Sweet, shy, caring A little of all of them... A bad boy! Duh! 9/10 Do you think your awesome, and not afraid to let everyone know it? Na... Yes!! In the middle, I guess?? If I'm giving someone a wet willy, then YA! 10/10 Do you like dogs personality? No WAY!! Yes!!! I LOVE the companion ship! There OK.... If they slobber a lot, ya!