Is your OC race original?

Is your fictional race intresting and unique or generic and unoriginal?

published on October 18, 2018

Does your race fit any of these discriptions?
Elegant beings with powerful magic abilities/evolved technology
Brutish warriors that live on pillaging
Tribal hunters that shun technology and/or magic and love nature
Buff warriors that live by a strict honour code

Does your race fit any of these discriptions? Elegant beings with powerful magic abilities/evolved technology Brutish warriors that live on pillaging  Tribal hunters that shun technology and/or magic and love nature Buff warriors that live by a strict honour code
They perfectly fit one of these discriptions
They somewhat fit one of these discriptions
They don't fit one of these discriptions

Is your race good or evil?

Is your race good or evil?

If your race is good do they have evil characters, and vice versa if they are bad do they have good characters? If your race is neither good or evil choose ignore

If your race is good do they have evil characters, and vice versa if they are bad do they have good characters? If your race is neither good or evil choose ignore

If your race is evil are they controlled by one really evil mofo?
If they are good are they controlled by one old wise guy?
If they are neither ignore

If your race is evil are they controlled by one really evil mofo? If they are good are they controlled by one old wise guy? If they are neither ignore
(Evil) they are controlled by magic, so they can't escape or rebel
(Evil) they are controlled by an tyrant and they rebel against them
(Evil) They are controlled by an evil overlord but they like it that way, they are THAT evil
(Evil) they are not controlled by an evil mofo
(Evil) they are controlled by an evil king but he has tricked them into liking him or they are in a position where they can't do without him
(Good) they are controlled by a wise sage, old king
(Good) they are controlled by a wise king with an evil advisor/general
(Good) they are controlled by a council of old dudes that might or might not have one corrupt member (Who always dresses in black and questions the news of t...
(Good) they are run by a corrupt king with one good and competent general
(Good) they are not run in any of these ways
(Good) they have democracy

If they are evil do they have any redeeming qualities (ignore if they are good or neither good nor evil, last ignor-able question, don't worry)

If they are evil do they have any redeeming qualities (ignore if they are good or neither good nor evil, last ignor-able question,  don't worry)
They have all the redeeming qualities, they actually turn out to be justified in ALL their actions (including making a deal with a demon that wants to destro...
No, they are utterly evil
They have some redeeming qualities or reasons that semi justify how they became evil (extream poverty, racism against them etc)

Time for some biology, what doesn your race look like?

Time for some biology, what doesn your race look like?
Coloured humans
They look vaguely humanoid but they have enough distinct features (pointy ears don't count)
Utterly non humanlike
They look like elves or dwarves or orcs
They are elemental
Anthropomorphic animals (kobolds included)

How do they dress

How do they dress
Only 15% of their body is covered, or full nudity, and they are always barefoot
Long robes and chandelier hats
Basic Tunics, nothing too flashy
After conversing with humans they wear some human clothes spliced with their traditional outfits
Bones, feathers, loincloths and animal pelts
Their attire has elements from more than one of these answers

Does any of these have a very central part in their culture?

Does any of these have a very central part in their culture?

Are they stronger then humans?

Are they stronger then humans?
Stronger and smarter
Weaker and dumber
Stronger but dumber (or as intelligent as humans)
Weaker (or equally strong) but smarter
As strong and smart as humans (minor differences to the point where the average member of your race is as strong as an human athlete don't count as super str...
I get where you are going with that... They are OP (stronger and faster) but they are ment to be the bad guys

How does their society function?

How does their society function?
Not a utopia but a society based on my personal values
Not a dystopia but a society based on the opposites of my personal values
Neither a utopia or dystopia, but a society based on the biology and lifestyle of my species
Neither a utopia or dystopia, but a society based on a real life civilisation or empire
A society that could potentially function for humans but has never actually existed

Was your race made by a god or demon?

Was your race made by a god or demon?
Made by a god with a great purpose
Made or corrupted by a demon with a sinister purpose
Made by a technologically advanced race
Evolved naturally
Made by a god but so is every race in the universe in question

Speaking of gods, what do they believe in

Speaking of gods, what do they believe in
They are so badass that they don't believe in any gods, and actively think the other races are weak for believing in gods and praying to them
They believe in a female diety suspiciously similar to Mother Nature
They believe in a male diety suspiciously similar to the Christian God
They have a religion suspiciously similar to Buddhism
They have polytheism
Just googled "god names" lol

Are they so pure and good that they don't have an army?

Are they so pure and good that they don't have an army?
Yes, but they live in a war free planet/continent
They are evil!
They use robots, to minimise casualties

Do they have any practices that humans would consider sickening? (Like sacrifices, cannibalism, incest etc)

Do they have any practices that humans would consider sickening? (Like sacrifices, cannibalism, incest etc)
Yes (mainly the sexual kind)
Yes but they are established to be evil
No, on the contrary they are sickened by how cruel humans are

Are they a female only species?

Are they a female only species?
Yes and they are proud warriors who still need other species to reproduce (mainly humans, especially those who fit the discriptions of the writer)
Yes but they don't need other species for reproduction
No but only the females are warriors

Speaking of which, be honest did your race begun as an excuse for you to draw sexy exotic girls on deviant art?

Speaking of which, be honest did your race begun as an excuse for you to draw sexy exotic girls on deviant art?
Maybe... probably... yeah...
It still is Just an excuse for me to draw sexy exotic girls on deviant!
I'm not into girls! How dare you assume my gender?

What's your race called?

What's your race called?
Something I pulled out of my ass
Something that translates to something relevant in an other language
I meticulously created a language and came up with a word that translates to "us" or "people" in said language