Find your dream horse in 10 questions Do you ever wonder what breed and height your dream horse would be well here is where you can find out. EnglishRiding101 published on December 28, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Are you a good jumper I'm a GREAT Jumper! I'm pretty Good Small Fences Only I don't Jump 2/10 How Experienced of a rider are you Beginner Beginner/Intermediate Intermediate Intermediate/Advenced Advanced 3/10 Do you prefer tall or small horses Big Small Medium Fairly Big Fairly small 4/10 What is your favorite breed (Tie Breaker) Friesian Percheron Thouroughbred Hanoverian Highland Pony 5/10 Which of these is your favorite coat. Dun Black Bay grey chestnut 6/10 Do you Compete or Dream of competing in... Racing Show Jumping Hitch Class (pulling) I Don't Compete 7/10 Do you like well behaved horses or horses with some Attitude slow and Well behaved Faster but with attitude Right in the middle 8/10 Do you prefer Ponies or Draft Horses Draft Horses Ponies Neither 9/10 How many years have you been riding -1 2-3 4-5 5-6 7+ 10/10 How old are you -5 5-10 11-15 16-20 20-25 25+