Discover Your Public Speaking Persona Find out which public speaking style matches your personality best! Take this quiz to find out! delya90 published on August 11, 2024 Stacked 1/10 How do you feel about speaking in front of large crowds? Exciting Terrifying Indifferent 2/10 What is your preferred method of preparing for a speech? Creating bullet points Writing a detailed script Impromptu speaking 3/10 How do you handle unexpected questions during a speech? Stay calm and answer confidently Admit you don't know the answer Panic and freeze up 4/10 What is your body language like when speaking in public? Reserved and closed off Open and engaging Nervous fidgeting 5/10 How would you rate your ability to captivate an audience? Engaging Hit or miss Boring 6/10 Do you enjoy giving speeches in general? It's okay Hate it Love it 7/10 How do you handle technical difficulties during a speech? Give up and walk off stage Adapt and keep going Panic and lose focus 8/10 What is your go-to strategy for dealing with stage fright? Take deep breaths and visualize success Practice relaxation techniques Avoid speaking engagements altogether 9/10 How do you feel about using humor in your speeches? Definitely not my style Use humor sparingly Love adding humor 10/10 What is your biggest fear when it comes to public speaking? Being judged by others Forgetting your speech Tripping or making a mistake