Depression Quiz Are you depressed? Maybe this quiz will open your eyes. Not a diagnosis quiz. skye.913 published on April 14, 2018 Stacked 1/8 Do you feel lost? Yes, 100%of the time Sometimes Rarely No 2/8 Do you have problems sleeping? No Rarely Sometimes Yes 3/8 Are you more irritable? Kind of A little Nope Yes 4/8 Do you currently self-harm? yes no sometimes used to/rarely 5/8 How often do you cry yourself to sleep? Every night/most nights Every week at least Rarely Once or twice 6/8 Do you do anything reckless? (Drugs/Drinking underage, ect) No! Once in a while Sometimes Yes 7/8 Do you have thoughts of suicide? Sometimes Yes Every once in a while Never/once or twice 8/8 Do you have anxiety? No Yes