What hair should you have based on your personality? Are you ombre or sombre? Rasta or pruple? Jet black or Titanium? Blonde or Brunette? Come see! SaraZokaeiX published on November 07, 2017 Stacked 1/12 How old are you? 1-10 11-15 16-18 19-21 22-25 26-30 31-34 35-37 38-42 43-46 47-52 53-60 61-70 70+ 2/12 What is your face shape? Rectangle Oval Round Circle Inverted triangle Square Triangle Diamond Heart 3/12 What will your dream hair be? Wavy Crimped Straight MY hair!!! Curly 4/12 What are your hobbies? I don't have one Sport Swimming Art Music Singing Sewing/knitting Watching TV Video games Playing with my pets Dance Gymnastics Experimenting with hair or makeup Reading Gardening Photography Acting Cooking 5/12 You were... ...born to lead ...born to be a hair stylist ...born to be a winner ...born to be a star ...born to help people ...born to be alone 6/12 What are you like? Bubbly Shy Introverted Extrovert 7/12 What is your favourite colour? Red Orange Yellow Green Dark green Light blue Dark blue Purple Violet Indigo Magenta Fuchsia Baby pink Black White Brown Grey All None Anything pastel Anything neon 8/12 Have you ever dyed your hair? No I want to Yes I want to dye it again Yes I want to keep the same dye colour/pattern Yes and never again No never but I don't want to No but I want to but I just don't know what colour to get 9/12 What is your NATURAL colour? Brown Blonde Ginger Black Auburn 10/12 Dream Colour? Blonde My favourite colour MY colour ginger black ombre sombre neon pastel 11/12 How many friends do you have? Remember, I won't see your answer so be honest! I would rather be alone. Three that are really close. squad / close with five. Ten Twenty Five Fifty 100 200 500+ at school/work there is about 1000 peopleand I count them all as friends! 12/12 Would you ever get bangs? I already HAVE them! Never! Have them and hate them Side bangs I have Wanna get side bangs Wanna get bangs