What is your spirit animal??? this is a quiz on what spirit animal you would get. These animals are limited to the four fallen, Briggan the wolf, Jhi the giant panda, Uraza the leopard, and Essix the falcon> poseidonathena240 published on June 28, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Do you eat a wide variety of things, or are you a vegetarian or vegan? A wide variety of things. mostly vegetarian or vegan. 2/5 How would you describe yourself? (be honest) A loner Mysterious, but good. A people-person. Fun-loving, but loyal. 3/5 What is your favorite color out of these? Blue Purple Silver Black 4/5 Do you like to climb? Yes No 5/5 Where is your dream home? In the desert or savannah. In an almost tropical place, but not completely. A small town near the woods. In a big city.