Would we be friends? (8) This a simple quiz to see if we would be best friends or not, it's pretty simple. Be honest on the answer you choose and it would be nice if you would rate the quiz! anonymous-user-nfadsa published on January 16, 2015 Stacked 1/10 Hello! Please read the description before you start the quiz please!First question: Would you be friends with someone who is girly? No! Well, I would be ok with it, as long as that person isn't too girly. Yes, I'm not girly myself, but I would be friends with someone who is! Yes! I'm girly myself! 2/10 Okay, do you like anime? No. It's ok, not really my thing though. Yes! I hate it! 3/10 Are you random? YAS! Sometimes. Not at all. 4/10 If you had to choose one word to describe your personality, what would it be? Cute! Nice. Funny. Honest 5/10 Do you like boy bands such as: One Direction, R5, etc.? I like boy bands, they're okay. NOO! I do not like boy bands! Yes! 6/10 Do you judge people on their looks? Rarely, but yes sometimes. Yes! Why wouldn't I? 50% of the time I do / No, not at all. 75% of the time I do. 7/10 Scenario time!Someone is picking on one of your best friends what do you do? Beat that person up! He shouldn't be doing that to my friend! Ignore it and confort my friend later. Ask the person to stop. Then comfort my friend. Ignore it completely, my friend can handle it herself/ himself! 8/10 The person doesn't stop and it continues for five minutes, what have you been doing in that time period? I would've broken up the fight by that time and I would be comforting my friend. I would be ignoring it!/ Start trying to break up the fight. 9/10 The fight has stopped. What are you doing now? Wondering how the fight stopped. Comforting my friend. Trying to humiliate the person who was messing with my friend. 10/10 Okay, final question. Are you friendly? (Be honest on this question) Yes. 50% of the time. No, not really.