Would I be friends with you? (3) A simple quiz to see if you’re the kind of person that I would hang out with. I’m not very picky. DorkyQueen15 published on November 19, 2017 Stacked 1/8 What is your idea of humor? Farting in class Corny Knock-Knock jokes Bad pick-up-lines as a joke Making funny faces from across the room My black soul has no room for humor. 2/8 I’m a bit shy and I don’t open up to very many people. Would you... Leave me because I’m annoying. Make fun of me for being quiet. Be patient with me and let me warm up to you. Let me deal with my problems. You’ll get back to me later. 3/8 Do you like/have tattoos? No Yes 4/8 I’m a slob and I put things off until the last second. How would you deal with me? Force me to do my work and make it nice to get extra credit. Leave me alone because it’s not your problem. Bribe me with things that I like to get me to get off my lazy butt and get to work. Lay down with me to wallow in our laziness. 5/8 Age Range? 1-10 (why are you on this site??) 11-15 16-20 21+ I would prefer not to say... 6/8 Are you inappropriate? Yes ?? No. Kind of? What do you mean? 7/8 Do you spread gossip? Who doesn’t? I hate gossip. Eh. It doesn’t bother me as long as it isn’t about me. 8/8 What kind of games do you like to play? Board games Xbox, PC, phone, etc. Other I don’t play games.