Truth or Dare... This will reveal your Hogwarts house

Truth or Dare... This will reveal your Hogwarts house

Are you a Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin? By picking Truth or Dare I will attempt to find out. Will I be close... Probably not. Please enjoy! NOTE: you don't actually have to do the truths or dares, just pick which one you would prefer

published on August 13, 2018

TRuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTH or DaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRE

TRuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuTH or DaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaRE
DARE: Dance without music for 3 minutes
TRUTH: Admit you know 70 elements f the periodic table (WOW)

tRuTh Or DaRe

tRuTh Or DaRe
DARE: Hit that person's coffee into their face
TRUTH: Admit you want to be in the DA but with a blue light saber

TRUTH or dare

TRUTH or dare
DARE: Do a hundred push ups during class
TRUTH: Who have you secretly wanted to be friends with, but you have been able to

Truth or dare

Truth or dare
DARE: I dare you to do truth
TRUTH: Why didn't you pick dare?

TrUtH oR dArE

TrUtH oR dArE
DARE: Read an entire boring book backwards
TRUTH: What is the most expensive thing you have ever stolen?

truth OR DARE

truth OR DARE
DARE: Eat a muffin (does that even count as a dare?)
TRUTH: Be mean to everybody for 30 minutes

TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRUTH: admit you knew the person next to you was talking about you behind your back
DARE: Talk to the weirdest weirdo you know

Truth or Dare...

Truth or Dare...
TRUTH: admit your darkest memory (it's really not that bad)
DARE: Eat that chocolate the was mushed into the concrete (FREE FOOD)

Daring truth

Daring truth
DARE: Sell rubbish to a hobo
TRUTH: Admit you like HARRY POTTER (meh, easy choice)

truth or dare...

truth or dare...
TRUTH: Tell the person next to you that rumour you made up about them
DARE: Jump and do a flip off the wall
... wait a second whilst I go flip...

Truth or dare...

Truth or dare...
TRUTH: reveal to that person that they are your worst nemesis
DARE: Go up to the teacher and tell them that they stuffed up the lesson and that they were totally incorrect

truth OR dare

truth OR dare
DARE: Go up to a person a tell them what a jerk they are then punch them for picking on little kids
TRUTH: Tell a person that you think they are stupid and need to get a tutor (HARSH much)

Truth or dare......................................

Truth or dare......................................
DARE: Impersonate a You Tuber
TRUTH: Admit that you are bored