Which alien race are you? Which alien race are you? (I made up the majority of these by the way.) anonymous-user-KR2LHV published on December 12, 2018 Stacked 1/9 Hello! How would you describe yourself? Depends on the day or my mood. I'm known to be mean... I'm friendly and outgoing. Eh. IDK. My personality changes quite a lot. I can be rude at first but you have to know me to like me. 2/9 How would you describe your home planet? (If you really were an alien.) Uh, which planet? 0_0 It's okay. It's a lot like Earth but much better. It's....not the best place to live but hey... It's pretty bad. It's amazing! Pretty good. ^^ 3/9 What do you think of humans? (Let's pretend you're not.) I despise them. I don't like them much but not all of them are bad right? They're awesome! I've never actually met one before. They're okay. Some are fine but I kinda hate most of them. 4/9 What's your main food source? Meat! >:D Fruit. That's it. Fruit, vegetables, meat, candy....I'm basically like a human.. I don't need food to live. Anything, expect for meats. Hmm... 5/9 Which stands out more to you? Water. Death. Party. Love. Food. :D Why?! 6/9 Which language sounds more interesting to you? K3lpoajsi.(Random letters, numbers.) Ñ9ñ3.(Replacing numbers with letters.) siht.(English words backwards.) Hw ae u.(Basically just take one letter away.) R u ok.(Speech text.) Uh, I don't know. English? German? Italian? Chinese? 7/9 How important is technology for you? Eh. Very! My life depends on it! It's important but I can manage without it. What's technology? It's somewhat important. Not important at all. 8/9 Which pet would you like to have? (Non-real.) Unicorn. Dragon. Hwiahfnan. (A dog, fish, horse, zebra and an alligator all at once.) Do mermaids count? Can I just have a normal pet? If so, I would like a dog or a cat. Maybe even a fish. No pets. Other. 9/9 Thank-You for taking this. ❤️Lastly, what kind of spaceship would you like? A normal one. One that looks like a car. A square one because I'm different. :P Uhm, no space ship? We could just fly through outter space? I wouldn't need one.Too lazy to work it. Any kind, as long as it worked and wouldn't break down. Any other kind?