What Family Member are you most like in "Death of a Salesman"?

Take this quiz to find out what family member you are most like in Death of a Salesman!

published on June 04, 2014

In high school, what were you like?

I peaked in high school, I was basically a high school allstar.
I was a nice girl who was down to have a good time.
I was a loser and kept to myself, I only hope my kids will be cooler than me.
In high school, I lived in the shadow of my brother too lame to outshine him.
I was a bookworm, studied for all my tests so set myself up for a successful life in the buisness
Watching over my brothers high school career in high school.
I was a nerd in high school, but it led me to a successful buisness life for the future.

When you get up in the morning, what is the first thing you do?

Bring breakfast in bed to my dad, because then mabye my dad will like me better.
Haunt your younger brothers dreams right before he wakes up.
Wake up my atheltic son, its game day!
Think up an idea to charm my teacher into giving me a C in math.
Remember that your friend doesnt have enough money to pay the bills, feel guilty and donate to
the cause.
Hallucinate and see things that arent actually there.

What is favorite food?

Slices of fruit
Apples and Bananas

Where is your favorite place to be?

Drifting onto the shoulder pretending that you are mentally stable.
On the field creating plays.
At home, preparing dinner for the boys.
When not at school or in the classroom, in my room getting in the zone studying for the big exam.
At the bar, scoring the ladies.
On cloud nine.
In the office, furthering my buisness corporation.

When you get home from school, what is the first thing you do?

Easy. Head start on my homework.
Stalk all the pretty girls on Facebook.
Draft my fantasy football league, who needs math anyway?
Make an after school snack for my boys, and make sure my husband wasn't drifting down the
Remind yourself about how you were more successful than your older brother.
Befriend the crazy person down the street, and raise a successful lawyer while you are at it.