Which Yandere simulator bully are you?

Which Yandere simulator bully are you?

Spoilers for the new yan sim build! ? The Bullies are a group of female students in Akademi High School whose main purpose is to bully students with low reputation. The Bullies are characterized by their tanned skin, extremely flashy dyed hair, and colorful accessories. T hey present themselves as "pure, sweet angels," but in reality, they can be the cruelest people in school.

published on February 27, 2018

What is your strongest personal quality?

What is your strongest personal quality?
my integrity
my good looks!
my perseverance
my confidence
my optimism

If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?

If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?
i'd try to be more nice to
people and be less awkward
i guess i'd try to make more
that way i wouldn't be so alone
in the future ;;
i'd be more caring and
i always blurt out stuff and end
up saying the wrong thing
stop wasting my time on
'games and anime' and
actually get things done in life
i'm perfectly fine with my life :>

What do you feel most proud of?

What do you feel most proud of?
getting good grades in school!
i just know i'm gonna be
somebody amazing in the
boosting my self-esteem
i feel a lot more happier than
usual now these days
being able to play [insert
musical instrument]
i think i might be a musician
surviving everything life has
thrown at me, and some of it
has been really, really tough.
and when i say tough i m e a n
myself, i still have
accomplishments ahead of
you to look forward to plus I've
never stopped dreaming, and
i’ve always kept reaching for

What color do you like the most?

What color do you like the most?

What does a perfect day look like to you?

What does a perfect day look like to you?
getting good grades and
making my teachers smile
making more friends and
building a good friendship with
reaching the next level on my
video game and getting
spending a whole day reading
my favorite book
just being on my phone i

What is a skill you'd like to learn and why?

What is a skill you'd like to learn and why?
i wanna learn how to play
[insert musical instrument]
i've always wanted to try
making actual music
i wanna learn how to draw
i see amazing art everywhere
and i wanna try it too!
i wanna learn martial arts
not just for self-defense but it
looks cool
i wanna learn how to speak
[insert language]
their country and culture
seems interesting and fun to
learn about
uhhh i don't really have a skill i
wanna learn

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?
The Bahamas, it looks so
the ocean there is so clear and
i just really love the way it
Greenland, it never snows
where i live
and i'd love to have snowball
fights, make snowmen , ski
i just wanna experience it
before i die--
legit. e v e r y w h e r e
all countries , cities and towns!
Egypt, i wanna see some
honestly, anywhere besides my
i just don't wanna be stuck
inside all day

How would your friends describe you?

How would your friends describe you?
a little rude

What is your favorite genre of music?

What is your favorite genre of music?
pop music
old school music..
pop rock

What age do you feel right now and why?

What age do you feel right now and why?
honestly i feel 30 right now
there's just so much stress on
me at the moment
i feel like a child because
everybody babies me and i
hate it!
kinda in between 12 and 20
life's been good but I've been
getting anxiety recently
i feel 70 already
life's going by too freaking f a s
i don't really feel a certain age

What feels like love to you?

What feels like love to you?
it feels strong and absolutely p
a s s i o n a t e
It feels like you found a
missing puzzle from your life,
which you didn't even know
was missing.
You feel like you're high. Love
is like a drug.
you feel comfortable and safe
love would be nice if

What is your best childhood memory?
((i'm pretty sure we've all done these at least o n c e))

What is your best childhood memory? ((i'm pretty sure we've all done these at least o n c e))
always drawing the sun in the
top corner of the paper--
in the end i always felt proud of
call my own teacher 'mom'
it was kinda embarrassing but
it was really funny to the rest
of the class
and i felt good for making
them laugh :>
putting my arms in my shirt
and saying 'i lost them'
some little kids a c t u a l l y
believed me --
sleeping with A L L of my
stuffed animals so none of
them got offended --
it was dumb but i felt
i don't really have any
childhood memories i can