What is your patronus? a patronus is like a spirit animal that protects you from dementors. Take this quiz to find out what yours is. d ILikeCheese published on August 31, 2016 Stacked 1/5 do like cheese yes no uh 2/5 do you save or spend save spend 3/5 which is your favorite color? red orange magic orange green lime green water green neon green blue navy burgundy sky blue white aqua blue crimson bright green amazing fields brown yellow bronze gold silver parmesan salmon hey blush carrot orange carolina red dark imperial red THE WHOLE RAINBOW deep violet pink purple cyan merengue magenta sunset red sunset yellow sunset blue sunset green I DON'T CARE 4/5 potato potato! potato? 5/5 which instrument do you want to play pan flute clarinet piano rock drums, like heavy metal anything but samba trumpet violin viola cello bass double bass bass guitar harp french horn harmonica bugel horn english horn guitar digery doo saxaphone castanets guiro banjo bagpipes acordion irish flute jug pipe organ synthesizer cowbell your voice cymabls glockenspeil recorder harpsichord drum samba bongos xylophone marimba