Which of the Simpsons character are you? If you love the Simpsons just like me you will love this quiz all about the Simpsons characters <3 chunniman published on August 21, 2020 Stacked 1/16 Choose a image 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2/16 What is your favourite animal ? Pig Horse Dog Cat Flamingo Sloth Meerkat Tiger Wolf Monkey Frog Deer Fox Bunny Shark 3/16 What is your favourite colour or shade ? Red Orange Yellow Green Teal Blue Navy Purple Pink Peach Brown White Grey Black Gold 4/16 What is your star sign ? Taurus Cancer Aries Libra Leo Aquarius Virgo Pisces Gemini Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio 5/16 What fruit do you prefer ? Pineapple Dragon Fruit Apple Banana Orange Lime Lemon Mandarin Apricot Cherry Blueberry Peach Grape Strawberry Blackberry 6/16 What is your favourite season ? Winter Spring Summer Autumn 7/16 What is your favourite sport ? Wii sports I don't like sport Pony Riding Skating None of the above Baseball Football Golf Basketball Tennis Softball Hockey Cricket Dodge Ball Ping pong 8/16 Choose a image again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9/16 Which month were you born in ? October June August May January March September February April July November December 10/16 Which one of these is your dream job ? Baker I have my dream job Vet Netflix binger The one that pays the most [and easy] IDK Builder Store owner Doctor Pilot Teacher Police Officer Scientist Actor Singer 11/16 What is your favourite food Lollipops Anything I can cook Salad Chocolate Donuts Peanuts Fish Soup Hamburgers Olives Hot Dog Turkey Chips Pies Candy 12/16 Which element represents you ? Fire Air Earth Water 13/16 What is your favourite ice-cream flavour ? Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate All of them except Liquorice Banana Caramel Liquorice Hazelnut Hokey pokey Pistachio Rainbow Bubble-gum Mint Choc Chip Cookies and Cream Lemon Gelato 14/16 Which of these best describes you ? Mischievous and Funny Smart and an Animal Lover Lazy and an Foodaholic Neat and Kind Innocent and Cute Caring and Loyal Hard-working and Understanding Sad and Lonely Honest and Nice I don't know None of the above Mean and Popular Not so Smart but Talented All of the Good Ones Smart and Lonely 15/16 What is your favourite beverage ? Beer Iced tea Squshie Water Milk Gin Milkshake Juice Hot Cocoa Tea Coffee Lemonade Coke-a-Cola Cocktail Wine 16/16 Which of theses places would you go ? France Rome Thailand Australia New York Mexico India Canada Alaska Egypt China Japan The Ocean Nowhere