How do you show your affection for other people?

How do you show your affection for other people?

Are you a hugger, or more of a gift-giving person? Find out how you show your affection with this amazing quiz!

published on July 14, 2016

If you were having a rough day, you would instantly feel better by....

Receiving a hug
Making yourself a cup of tea
Just having someone talk to you
Receiving a surprise present
Getting an email saying 'Just wanted to let you know I love you'.

Your close friend is in the hospital. When you go to visit them, they're asleep. You're not allowed to stay for a long time, so you...

Your close friend is in the hospital. When you go to visit them, they're asleep. You're not allowed to stay for a long time, so you...
Fix up their hospital room, place them in a more comfortable position, maybe put a few uplifting posters on the
(gently) give them a hug, and hold their hand for a while
Leave a heartfelt gift for them on their nightstand
Put a compassionate note/letter next to them, letting them know you were there and that you care about them
Sit with them until you have to go

Your friend's dog just died, and she's heartbroken about it. You...

Your friend's dog just died, and she's heartbroken about it. You...
Give her a big hug and tell her it will be ok
Buy her a drink from a café. It may not be much, but it's the best way you know of to make her feel better.
Make up a poem about her dog. It may seem like a weird idea, but it's the best thing I can do.
Decide to have a sleepover with her, so that you can stay with her until she feels better
Ask if there is anything you can do for her that will make her feel better

Your favorite aunt whom you haven't seen in a while is visiting. When you meet her at the airport, you...

Your favorite aunt whom you haven't seen in a while is visiting. When you meet her at the airport, you...
Shyly give her a gift that you saw at the store and thought of her
Tell her about how much you've missed her
Give her a big hug the moment you see her
Offer to carry her bags, because you're just so thoughtful :)
Fill her in on all the cool stuff happening here

Which of these (cheesy) dates would you most want to go on with your significant other?

Which of these (cheesy) dates would you most want to go on with your significant other?
Snuggling under a blanket with some popcorn while watching a movie
Talking with each other while taking a walk on the beach
Renting a boat and rowing around a beautiful lake
Simply having dinner at a restaurant
Going to a carnival and winning them a prize from a game there

On Mother's Day, you are most likely going to...

On Mother's Day, you are most likely going to...
Spend the entire day with your mom, talking and laughing
Make a card with a very loving and unique message (not just the usual 'Happy Birthday Mom, from Derp')
Wake your mom up with a big hug and a 'Happy Birthday!'
Give her your homemade present :)
Give her breakfast in bed

You and your friends are all throwing a surprise party for someone you all know. You're the one in charge of...

The big poster that's going to hang on the wall saying 'Happy Birthday!'
Inviting all the people who will show up and celebrate
Making the birthday cake
The decorations
Pretty much everything (the surprise party was probably your idea)