Which Brothel Member Are You? Which brothel member are you? Who are ya? You shall find out. Weenie Weenie. rbershtein published on July 06, 2015 Stacked 1/11 Favorite snack? String cheese Pasta Anything spicy Baked goods Ramen Snack bars 2/11 Where do you most commonly puke? The bushes Bar bathroom Trashcan I do not puke. Wherever I damn please. Wherever my significant other is. 3/11 Drunk Alter Ego? I am the greatest dancer alive. I am the greatest singer alive. I'm Kim Kardashian. I can drink the world. SOOO HYPPPPE I'm tired. 4/11 Where do you want to live after college? Chicago The South Outside the US New York Washington DC Indiana 5/11 Least favorite household chore? Loading the dishwasher Unloading the dishwasher Taking out the trash Cleaning the bathroom I like to clean I refuse to do anything 6/11 Feelings about Bear? She is God's gift to humanity. Bear sucks Depends on my mood She's ugly Mildly amusing I shall fight her 7/11 Favorite party music? Anything Beyonce Nikki Minaj Anything house music Drake Taylor Swift Grouplove 8/11 Favorite bar? KOK Sports Dunkirk Brothers THE JUNGLE Not a huge fan of bars 9/11 Which GOT character are you? Tyrian Arya Khaleesi Sansa Jamie Marjory 10/11 Favorite alcoholic beverage? Beer Rum Tequila Anything IPA Anything taaka Fireball 11/11 Favorite color? Green Blue Red Black Purple Gold