where do you like to sleep? lets see if we know where you like to sleep, hope this is fun, and enjoy. jasmine.gower published on November 27, 2015 Stacked 1/5 what do you like? being warm being cool in between being cool then hot 2/5 where do you like to be when watching movies? in your room with friends anywhere i can be in the family room with the family outside with the fresh air 3/5 what to you do when you are angry and want to get the anger out of you? pushes your bed push you pillow really hard throw all the pillows around kick something 4/5 how many friend would you like to sleep over in one day? 2 as many that can sleep maybe only 1 unless they can found somewhere else to sleep than where I'm sleeping as many that can fit in my backyard 5/5 where do you spend most of your time? in your room anywhere i want to be in the family room outside with the natrual world