Who are you from Mork & Mindy? Are you CRAZY and intelligent like Mork or logical like Mindy? See who you are from the hit 70s and 80s TV show Mork and Mindy. amandamiller08 published on April 23, 2015 Stacked 1/7 You see someone you know in a fight with someone and the other person punches him you say... "Why are you fighting?" "HEY! That is no way to treat a man!" "What are you doing!? "Don't be such a weenier hit him back!" "Hey, hey cant we just talk about this?" "Stop RGHT NOW!" "Don't hurt them!" 2/7 You see someone dancing on a table you... JOIN THEM!!! Tell them to get down Your in to much shock to do anything Go away THEY'RE CRAZY!!! It's normal. I do it all the time What are they doing? 3/7 What is your favorite type of music? Rock n' roll/ disco classical I don't care for music Jazz Country Something that has lyrics I don't know. There is to many types. 4/7 What is your favorite animal? dog mule duck Not a big animal person IDK Anything fury and cute cat 5/7 What is your dream vacation? To go home and be with family. To go somewhere exotic and where I can relax. To see a concert Beach Anywhere I can make money Venus Bahamas 6/7 How would your friends describe you? Crazy Wackjob loveable Strong minded musical caring Sensitive 7/7 What kind of outfit do you wear? spenders, pants, rainbow colors robe suit dress jeans, nice top, boot plaid shirt, cacky pants, nice shoes sweater and overalls