Which Lunar Chronicles girl are you? Find out which Lunar Chronicles girl you'll be, only Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, and Levana (no iko, sorry!) Scarlet_Benoit published on June 04, 2017 Stacked 1/7 Since i'm nice, favorite..... boy? ;) Wolf! Me: High five! Kai! Thorne! Aimery! Me: .............WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! Jacin! 2/7 Worst Quality? Anger issues Sarcasm Not speaking loud enough Being too beautiful ;) ummmm..... threatening to KILL people 3/7 Fate. Fate Fatee Fateeeee Fate. FATEE 4/7 do you like levana? nononononnonono No, friend! umm... nope NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OF COURSE! SHES THE BEST. HAHAHAHAHAHAH I WANNA BE JUST LIKE HER!! 5/7 What do you do in your free time? Plant/care for your garden Computer!! Think of how i can get all the boys in the school/college to love me! MWA HA HA HA Me:.... fiddle with clocks/TVs/computers Daydream 6/7 Favorite... color! Red all the way!! Ummm.... RAINBOW!! ^.^ Idk Baby blue/ any type of blue SOMETHING THAT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL ON MOI 7/7 Ok. favorite Lunar Chronicle character? Cinder Levana Scarlet Cress Winter