What legendary pkmn r u? Basically , witch one of (most) legendary Pokemon r u ,including:mewtwo,lugia,rayquaza,darkrai,victini & diancie (Ps: I don't own any pics) FireHazard published on April 20, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Hellu, welcome to meh first quiz,sorry if it sucks,but anywho let get to the quiz Yes,let's go Okie Let's-a go Onwards Ok.. Lead the way 2/5 Out of these options , we're would you live ? Somewere next to the ocean Probably next to a mauntain On top of a mauntain Somewere icolated In the big city Somewere peacefull, but not completely icolated 3/5 Ok, favurite Pokemon generation Gen 4(Diamond & pearl) Gen 2(Gold & silver) Gen 6( x & y) Gen 1(Red/blue/green) Gen 3(Ruby & shappire) Gen 5 (Black & white) 4/5 Favurite food? Pie Cake Macaroons Cookies Ice cream Carmel apples 5/5 Okie near the end of the quiz, favurite type out of these Psychic Dark Flyng Fire Dragon Fairy