Are you in Love ? <3 some people dont understand or flat out dont realise when theyre in love! take this quiz to see whether or not you infact are truly IN LOVE! pingpongvcgh published on July 31, 2015 Stacked 1/15 What is your current relationship status? Single In a Relationship Recently Used To Be in a relationship, (split up recently). Not in a relationship, but not looking for one either. 2/15 I want you to pretend youre given the chance to create your perfect match. To do so, you need to select what you like most in the following questions and would make your perfect match!: how do you feel about this? like this will be funny to see how much the characters i select will be like the person i am with ?❤️ this is an opportunity i wont take for granted as id like a perfect match? scared the perfect one will resemble my partner of my last relationship.. Nervous. 3/15 ...Youre handed the paper by a surprisingly attractive male/female, you cant help but.. check them out ! dayum? wonder why someone so good looking would work this job? see how hot they are, but the word hot can only make you think of the one person you cant get out your mind! think a negative thought which stems old relationship memories.. 4/15 The first question reads: "your ideal partner would be... Sporty Rich Intelligent everything your current partner / crush is ❤️ anything, as long as theyre not your ex? everything your last partner was? 5/15 The extremely attractive assistant drops their pen, you... quickly go pick that pen up! who would miss such an opportunity? go pick up the pen .. if only picking up the pieces of your broken heart where this easy to pick up Politely pick the pen up for the assistant. dont even realise, you cant stop thinking about the one. 6/15 You then notice a phone number on the floor, you glance up and the assistant winks at you... you pick the number up, slide it into your pocket as smoothly as you can notice. if only your ex could notice how they smashed your heart... is the assistant flirting with me???!!!?? ignore the assistants flirty moves and return to your test 7/15 "back to the test!" you think. the next question reads, you need someone who is... Loving, caring, soft? someone who looks after me, unlike my ex ..."yo,hang on a second" you think, "i dont need anybody!" everything your partner/ crush is. theyre the one i want. 8/15 this has you thinking for a moment. If you could change the past about your relationship(s), what would it be? that it never happened. like i never met them. nothing, whats happened has happened. im better now. that i wish id met my current crush / partner sooner❤️ that you could make it perfect, like it would still be . if only things could have been different? 9/15 You feel an unbearable urge to make a desperately rad move! You get up and get your hands all over the assistant! tear up the test and ring the one you currently have feelings for and tell them how you feel! you scream and cry . youve been locking emotions, plus who wouldnt let go when given such a rad opportunity? like if you dont come to a decision you might snog the assistant, or phone your crush // ex 10/15 Someones about to enter that room, who could be the worst possible person to enter at that moment? My ex My partner, they might leave me if they see me with the assistant! My parents. i dont want them to see me necking on with some assistant!? the one i have feelings for, because i chose the option to run outside and ring them - they might just miss me? 11/15 All this has you feeling like... Being single sucks... I need to find someone! you like your crush / partner more than you thought your ex is on your mind too much. 12/15 And all this has you wishing that.. You could be with your crush and in a relationship , or just beside your partner❤️ this wasnt so complicated and things could be different. You were in a perfect relationship. you werent so broken hearted. 13/15 The person that walks through the door is you from a month ago. you are told that you can tell past you one thing , and that is: Go for it, theyre the one❤️ Change now, dont let it go, do something before its too late! Nothing can heal a broken heart, but you might be able to change it! you tell yourself the assistants number because theyre perfect ? 14/15 Past you disappears and everything around you begins to change. you realised youve changed the past . The one thing you want to have changed is: that youre not broken hearted Youre with your ex That youre in a relationship with the one you have feelings for In a relationship and no longer single ! 15/15 You realise that its now the end of the quiz , and if you had to, youd say that youre probably : Broken Hearted Unsure / Lost feelings / confused In love Not in love and single