Which Awkward Moment Are You? (1)

Which Awkward Moment Are You? (1)

Find out your awkward personality with this hilarious quiz! Take this quiz to find out!

published on August 06, 2024

What would you do if you tripped in public?

What would you do if you tripped in public?
Laugh it off
Apologize profusely to everyone
Pretend it didn't happen

How would you react if someone found out a secret of yours?

Make a joke to deflect
Cringe and try to change the subject
Deny it vehemently

What's your go-to move when you accidentally insult someone?

Act like you were joking
Try to compliment them to make up for it
Awkwardly backtrack and apologize

If you walk into the wrong room, what's your next move?

Make a joke about being lost
Apologize and quickly leave
Pretend you meant to be there

What do you do if you forget someone's name?

What do you do if you forget someone's name?
Introduce them to someone else to prompt them
Apologize and ask for their name again
Keep talking without using their name

How do you handle a failed high-five attempt?

Laugh it off and go for a fist bump instead
Quickly put your hand in your pocket like nothing happened
Awkwardly keep your hand up, unsure what to do next

When you accidentally send a text to the wrong person, what's your response?

Make a joke out of it and hope they find it funny
Act like it was intentional and play it off cool
Frantically apologize and explain the mistake

If you spill something on yourself in public, how do you react?

Act like nothing happened and carry on as usual
Scramble to clean it up and apologize to anyone nearby
Laugh at yourself and make a joke about it

What's your response if you accidentally fart in a quiet room?

Make a joke about it to lighten the mood
Apologize profusely and hope nobody noticed
Pretend it wasn't you and try to move on swiftly

How do you handle an awkward silence in a conversation?

How do you handle an awkward silence in a conversation?
Blame it on the other person for being quiet
Mumble something incoherent in an attempt to fill the silence
Crack a joke to break the tension