WWFFY - Sonic, Silver and Shadow! (2) Part two already. Yeaah.. I got nothing else to do tonight so why not? :) anonymous-user-riOs6I published on October 14, 2014 Stacked 1/8 Okay so previously: You found yourself on Mobius, you couldn't remember anything and you saw a huuuge house! After knowing what animal you were, you walked over to the house and knocked. Who opened the door? Let's go find out! :) Okie dokie lokie! :) Alrighty! Okay x3 2/8 In the doorway stands a blue hedgehog, staring at you with his green emerald eyes. "Yes?" He asks, smiling. "Oh..um..I was wondering if you would let me in? I-I'm lost and it's kinda cold.. out here.." You say, not making eye contact. Ooo~ he's kinda cuute OwO~ (;3) He seems nice! :) Not really bothered...he looks okay but he's not that cute.. ._. 3/8 "Sure, come on in! I'm Sonic, by the way, Sonic the hedgehog!" You look at him, smiling slightly as you step inside the amazingly warm house (^w^)You look around, in awe. "What's your name?" Asks Sonic, grinning at you and doing a thumbs up "Hi! I'm ___!" Oh, uh..___!" "..___..." 4/8 "Nice to meet you, ___!" Other animals starting walking into the room, all staring at you. "Guys..this is ___. ___ these are my friends!" The other animals in the room were a white hedgehog, a black and red hedgehog, a yellow fox, a pink hedgehog and a dark grey fox. You look at all of them and stares at the floor awkwardly, a bit shy. The white hedgehog looks cute..! *blushes* o//w//o (someone has a cruush~) Oh shaddup! :P Huh..the black and red one looks sorta hot..- I-I mean..alright! Heheh -3-' (ya can't deny trueee loove~) They all look alright..though Sonic still looks the best! But that little fox looks adorbs! <3 Who's da grey fox? :3 (My OC! :D) Oh cool! :D 5/8 The white hedgehog walks up to you and opens his mouth to speak..but the pink hedgehog appears in front of your face, not giving the white one a chance to speak. "Hi! I'm Amy!" She says, smiling. "I like your hair." You look at your hair and then back at the pink hedgehog. You give her a small smile. Then, pushing Amy out of the way, the white hedgehog smiles at you. "Hey. I'm Silver!" He says. "Hi..!" You reply, a bigger smile on your face. Ahflewtshfhs! Silver spoke to me! O///O *dies from shock* (okay..) He seems nice. I like him! :) He's alright, I guess! :) 6/8 You look at the other animals and smile. The yellow fox gives you a HUGE smile, waving too! The other fox gives you a small smile and then looks at the black and red hedgehog standing next to her. She nudges him. "Say something!" She whispers sharply, glaring at him. The hedgehog glares back and rolls his eyes in annoyance. He obviously sort of dislikes the grey fox in a way. *waves back at the yellow fox* Awhhh he's so cuuute! <3 *is watching the grey fox and the hedgehog* Why does the black hedgehog look so mean? :( (that's just him for ya!) Ahaha. He looks funny when he's grumpy! x3 7/8 The grey fox stops glaring and quickly looks at you, clearing her throat. "Hi. I'm Aurey. Please ignore this grump right here. Shadow is always like that." She rolls her eyes and then quietly giggles. Shadow gives her a little shove, making Aurey laugh even more. The little yellow two-tailed fox giggles too, "Hi. I'm Tails!" "Hey Tails!" You smile. 'They all seem pretty nice..' You think to yourself, 'Well..apart from the grumpy Shadow!' NOO! I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you grumpy, Shadow! D: The author made me do it! D: (mwahahah >:)) Yeah, that black hedgehog is a grump! You go girl! :3 ^^ Lol. A1 is in looove~ She's defending for the grumpy one! 8/8 That is the end of part two! I know I made it so quickly. I'm bored and I got no homework to do tonight :3 It's okay! :D Make more make more make more! Woot!