What color cat would you be? Believe it or not, a cat's coat can SLIGHTLY determine its personality, isn't that fur-cinating?! Dei_Dei published on January 25, 2016 Stacked 1/6 Someone just picked up your phone! (Or any other precious item) What do you do? Stare at them until they uncomfortably put it back down. I'm sure they can't get through my password... :) "BACK OFF OR I'LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO KILL YOU" 2/6 You're at a mainly meat-based restaurant, your choice of food? (Out of the menu) "I'd like Reddish Oyster and Pork Paste topped with Colorful Coriander Chunks, Barbecued Rutabaga and Shellfish Beverage with a side of Grilled Cob, blablab... MEEEEAAAATTTTT! "I'll just take the Chef's recommendation." :) 3/6 What's your Element? (Based on star signs.) Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) 4/6 What's a bad thing about you? (Choose the closest) I don't like talking to people. I'm a little shy and quiet. I can be loud and aggressive. I can be very fussy and picky. Everything annoys me. I'm very gullible. 5/6 What's a good thing about you? I'm cool. I'm reserved. I'm fun. I'm smart. I can own anyone. I'm friendly. 6/6 Final question. Choose a set of words that fit you the most, be honest! Cool, mysterious, aloof, magnetic Observant, shy, quiet, creative Boisterous, friendly, lively, playful Fussy, eloquent, unpredictable, joyful Intolerant, motivated, powerful, ambitious Sweet, adventurous, tempered, clingy