Sonic wwffy part 20
HOLY MOTHER OF MOBIAS! Are we really in the 20's now?! Damnnn! Anyway recap! You just got the choas emerlad from the cave. So now you have 5 choas emerlads. Kameo has the last choas emerald so this might just be your last adventure with the guys...T.T Sad I know. The emerlad is at the park. So you all head to the park and since its winter everything was snowy and icy. You all went ice scaking. The others went to find the emerald and guess who found it? You! You get the emerlad but the ice beneath you cracks and you end up in the water for Kameo to find you and swim off with you. Then you pass out from the cold, so yeah, Yay!
published on January 09, 2015