What is your personality? (19) Are you, dumb? No, maybe cool or smart, maybe fun? Only one way to find out! Take the quiz, crazy! And btw plz take no offence to the personality you get! kass1551 published on December 02, 2014 Stacked 1/10 What does this mean to you? O.O Bewildered face o.o Zero, decimal, zero Depends 2/10 Name some positives to school Friends (P.E) Learning! Nothing. I hate school :( Undecided 3/10 What does this mean to you? lol One, zero, one laugh out loud one hundred and one Depends 4/10 Negatives to school: Bullies Learning Too early to wake up in the morning. Teachers, hate them, so bossy! Tests. Sooo many Nothing... Undecided I like school ♥ 5/10 What is closest to your grades? All A's A's and B's B's and C's F's 6/10 Rate how much you like school -10 10 5 Urm... depends. 7/10 Like it? Yah Nah Kinda Yes, of course, amazing! Not at all, it sucks! Will this effect my score? 8/10 What is a heart to you? The chambered muscular organ in vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the ent... ♥ Where love comes from :) Depends? 9/10 What do you think you will get? Smart Dumb Cool Fun I dunno 10/10 What is a star to you? ★ Twinkle twinkle little star :) Depends A self-luminous celestial body consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity in which the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interio...