James and Malachi who do u like this is a very good quiz, do u like jam or moochacha (james and malachi) is about loaf SUPERANIMALLOVER published on July 03, 2018 Stacked 1/7 do you like Rubik cube or books books rubik cube 2/7 Blue and green or Brown, green and Dark blue Brown Green and Dark blue DUH Blue and Green obviously 3/7 Dogs, Cats, lizards,fish lizard dogs fish cats 4/7 Wind, Fire, Water, Earth Water Wind Earth Fire 5/7 Black like a black hole or Brown like chocolate Black like a blackhole brown like my chocolate 6/7 desserts: donuts macaroons cupcakes cake macaroons donuts cake cupcakes 7/7 thumbs down or thumbs up i dont really care :/ good fine i guess Shut up and give me the answer all ready