What type of Minecrafter are you? What type of Minecrafter are you? the title says it all qfeasts red lines Fearless published on September 02, 2014 Stacked 1/5 what is your pet peeve? endermen creepers lava when I don't have enough blocks water griefers and rowdy newbies when I have dicovered the whole world 2/5 What do you like to do in Minecraft? fight monsters get food find diamonds build a new house make a lava trap write books discover a cave 3/5 what's your favorite color? tan white red grey light blue green orange 4/5 Which mode do you play in? survival so I can fight the monsters creative so I have unlimited materials survival so I can make pens for the mobs creative so I have don't have to dye all the wool creative so I don't need to kill squids and cows to make books creative so I can fly survival so I can mine stuff with purpose 5/5 Which object means the most to you? hoe pickaxe map enchanting table redstone block sword wood block