What Iconic Strawhat are you? This is very memey so beware! But it's also very accurate <3 Trust me you'll be like "omg this is me" Nabbi published on September 11, 2019 Stacked 1/6 Ur Lover cheats on you. What is your response? I didn't want to kill anyone today. But I guess I have to now. *laughs evily inside because has seen bob and vagene first so ur the actual winner in this situation* : (( that make me sadd baby Want to see my dead body collection? Heartbroken. But I'll try to move on. *INHALES COCOA BEAN OR CRACK* IM NOT SURE WHY YOU KEEP PICKING THIS IM KIND OF SCARED heh...you're approaching me? Ask me in 5 years. I would commit sewer side but im already dead inside 2/6 Someone admits to liking you. You're response? 0w0 wike? OwO Uwo Let's fucc Are you sure you're ready to be, at any time, sacrificed to satan's hell gate if an apocalypse were to occur? I like you too, friend! *Inhales crack* I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you over your low quality as a human being K but lets go nude together playing the National Anthem Bob? Vagene? Gamer girl pee? 0////o/////0 Uh alright...I would just say yes if I liked them too. Is that an option? *runs away in embarrassment with toast in mouth like anime girl* kyaaa! can i see your panties? 3/6 What would you do for a future partner cook a meal so delicious they want seccy time Let's jump off a 20 story building! You really don't want to learn morse code with me and prepare for the annual purge? Make them happy. Give them gifts and love. fucc LOL PARTNER??? WHAT PARTNER? *holds anime waifu pillow close* give dem yummy sweets ^w^ Wait 10 years and I'll tell you BONE on them ;) Build a minecraft house together but accidentally go too far and end up making an architectural masterpiece 4/6 Creeper? WHERE?!? I will slice you Aw man :sunglasses emoji: *hits that crack* (or if you prefer coffee more i mean..) ...Sorry, what? I don't reply. That's for scrubs Where? I need more pictures of terrifying individuals.. OMG THATS SO FUNNY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA uwu Awe mann Sorry? I don't speak gay Bruh I'm building! YO!!! 5/6 You'll die in 1 second. What's your last words I was like a mother/father to me *tear rolls down eye* F**** you IMREALLYUPSETATTHISCANIGETASECONDCHANCEPLEASEIMABOUTTOCRYPLEASEDONTLEAVEMEIDONTWANTTODIE 3; goodbye wowd *coughs*....burn my money...so no one will ever take it.... Bury me next to the biggest mass murderer *snorts coffee/crack one last time* WAIT I CANT DIE I HAVENT SEEN BOB AND VAGENE YET Goodnight Gamerz Um...I love my family members and everyone who supported me. Thank you. 6/6 A guy walks in the bar and T Poses on you as dominance. What do you do? I'll kill him. Yup. Ask him what he wants while staring him directly in the eyes for 5 minutes. Bich go away 0w0 ?? T pwose? *Joins* Uhhhh how do I know um. Quietly walk away. *Calls police because he touched you* I will offer him the entirety of the Queen Albums combined. I was looking at some badonkers my man move out of the way. Revoke his dominance by doing a 90 degree head to wall stand.