would Underlust Sans date you he will either date you or he'll won't date you i mean it's up to him if he wants you UnderfellSans10 published on January 22, 2021 Stacked 1/5 what is your favorite color Black purple and cyan Red none of the above 2/5 me: hey guys sorry i didn't do this before the Quiz started but i have some one you'll like to meet .Lust: hello there everyoneMe: so Lust i forgot to do this at the beginning Lust: okay so what do i doMe: you ask them question'sLust:oh okayMe: what do you think Lust would do for a date if you get him =~= flirt with you the whole time talk about random stuff Kiss you outside none of the above 3/5 Me: okay Lust you ask to next questionLust: okay if i asked you to marry me what will you do? yes hell yes no hell no 4/5 what do you think of Lust hot and sexy ugly and unholy you love him 5/5 Me: Lust would you ask the last oneLust: yes i will FellMe: okay ask itLust: what will you want to happened i want Lust to be mine i don't want him >:< ( Lust: T^T) i'm not sure