What color are you? (21) Simple quiz describing your personality by a color! Answer 5 questions to find out what color your personality is! AgnesTheCat published on October 22, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Whats ur fave. website! Omegle.com I love to interact with people! gamesofawesome.com Playing random games is Awesome! fantage.com i want to try to interact with people but dont want to have to show my face! XD 2/5 Whats ur fave. pet! A hampster! Totally a dog! i love to watch cats pranse around! :D 3/5 Whats ur fave. anime! Lucky Star! sailor moon! :D Attack On... Titan! 4/5 What's your fave. season! Summer! for surfing and crap! Spring! for runnig in the grass and collecting bright green leaves! winter for hot cocoa. :) 5/5 Whats your fave. sport! swimming in the shallow water! Football at giant stadiums! Soccer! Awesome!