What color are you? (21)

What color are you? (21)

Simple quiz describing your personality by a color! Answer 5 questions to find out what color your personality is!

published on October 22, 201435 responses 49
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What's your fave. season!

What's your fave. season!
Summer! for surfing and crap!
Spring! for runnig in the grass and collecting bright green leaves!
winter for hot cocoa. :)

Whats ur fave. anime!

Whats ur fave. anime!
Lucky Star!
sailor moon! :D
Attack On... Titan!

Whats ur fave. website!

Whats ur fave. website!
Omegle.com I love to interact with people!
gamesofawesome.com Playing random games is Awesome!
fantage.com i want to try to interact with people but dont want to have to show my face! XD

Whats your fave. sport!

Whats your fave. sport!
swimming in the shallow water!
Football at giant stadiums!
Soccer! Awesome!

Whats ur fave. pet!

Whats ur fave. pet!
A hampster!
Totally a dog!
i love to watch cats pranse around! :D