The Game 101

Who are you from the game? Find out now. Hgfcvbbg ggh vghgf hh fun hump hi tv thi did 4th di rn diver dunk What?

published on May 04, 2019

Favorite food?

I prefer Lemon Candies above
all other foods.
Chocolate Icecream
Meh, whatever I'm in the mood for!
Sushi is the only thing I eat, and always will be the only thing I eat.

What do you like to do in ur spare time?

Read books and gain important knowledge on certain subjects
Stalk people lmao
I like to draw and be a ClOwN
Annoy the hell out of people unintentionally and eat dead things off of the road.
Watch porn
Eep! I do a lot of things as long as they're safe and won't get me harmed..

Who da best gurl/boi?

Lemon boi
Rahu (who doesn't love an insane stalker?)
Obviously Soul because he's hot.
Artemis is best gurl!
No one because everyone is an idiotic moron.
Lemon boy is best boy!!!!!!!! Also maybe A? Or me? Actually, is everyone an answer?

Fav kind of music?

Hardcore dubstep
Anything is okay?
Quiet, peaceful songs
I have no use for music. It is merely a waist of my time.
I secretly like old time-y music but shhhhhh

How do friends describe you?

Kind, strong, and somewhat bold
Sexy. And hot. And amazing. And everything great because I am the best ((my old friend is the mirror)l
They call me highly secretive, it seems, and my over-conscious demeanor can't go unnoticed. I might seem dark, but deep down, I have a soft side.

Or maybe not.
Very shy, quiet, and fearful.
They say I'm kinda weird, energetic, and crazy in my own unique way!
My only friend calls me intellectual and secretive, so I'll keep her word on it.

Fav color(s)?

Yellow and black.
Sexy, sexy white
ThE rAinBoW!
I don't care for colors, they are meaningless to me, but if I had to choose, I'd say gray.


That I can't protect the people I love because of my own anxieties.
I'm too sexy that it hurts ((everyonehatesmeandihatemyself))
What does it matter? And why the hell would I tell you?
I'd prefer not to speak of it.
I have no regrets in life, and so far am relatively happy with how things are going!
I love two guys but Idk who to choose [insert lenny face]