what is your warrior cat rate? (short results)

what is your warrior cat rate? (short results)

in this quiz it will be asking you questions about you and it will tell you if you are a medicine cat, a warrior, a deputy, or a leader also it will say if you are a kittypet. i hope you enjoy the quiz and have fun.

published on July 01, 2016

who do you like the most out of this list?

who do you like the most out of this list?

what do you do on your free time?

what do you do on your free time?
organize herbs
go hunt for food
organize hunting patrols and hunt
sleep eat and play
lay in my den thinking about my clan

BONUS do you like the forest

BONUS do you like the forest
i don't know i never been in it
love it

what do you do if you see a mouse?

what do you do if you see a mouse?
crouch down pounce on it kill it then give it to the clan
i don't eat mice i would let it run
i would chase it maybe it would lead me to some herbs

what would you do if you were in a battle?

what would you do if you were in a battle?
sorry but i don't get in battles i sleep eat and play
try to get the clan under control and order where they fight
run and get herbs to heal the cats
help get the clan under control and go finish off the fight
fight for the leader try hard