What's your type?

What's your type?

This quiz combines elements of MBTI personality types with learning styles to identify your preferred role in a project based group.

published on July 13, 2015

Which of the following best describes you?

Which of the following best describes you?
an analyst: someone who examines things carefully and in detail to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.
a diplomat: someone who is tactful and skillful in handling situations or people
a sentinel: someone who watches over things to guard or protect
an explorer: someone who investigates the unknown

Which famous person do you most admire?

Which famous person do you most admire?
Martin Luther King Jr.
George Washington
Albert Einstein
Princess Diana

How would someone else describe you?

How would someone else describe you?
A natural leader
The ultimate realist
An inspiration to others
Host/Hostess of the world

When given a choice for how to present your learning to the class you would be most comfortable...

Building a model representation to explain
Acting out a demonstration to explain
Using a diagram, images, or other visuals to explain
Speaking to the class to explain

Which best describes you?

Which best describes you?
I enjoy challenging others to think, as well as arguing both sides.
I see the potential in others and am a persuasive speaker.
I share easily and am ready for anything that comes my way.
I am thoughtful and I follow the rules.

Which Hobbit are you?

Which Hobbit are you?
Frodo, the healer
Pippin, the performer
Samwise, the protector
Merry, the champion

Which career path would give you the most happiness?

Which career path would give you the most happiness?
Counselor, helping others makes me happy
Skilled trades, working with my hands and creating things makes me happy
Law enforcement, keeping order and protecting others makes me happy
Science or technology, figuring things out makes me happy

In the Lord of the Rings, which hero would you be?

In the Lord of the Rings, which hero would you be?
Gandalf, the philosopher
Aragorn, the guardian
Legolas, the composer
Frodo, the idealist

Which faction would you choose?

Which faction would you choose?
Erudite-The Intelligent
Dauntless-The Brave
Abnegation-The Selfless
Candor-The Honest
Amity-The Peaceful

Which of these Marvel comic characters is similar in their problem solving skills and reasoning to you? In other words, which one thinks like you?

Which of these Marvel comic characters is similar in their problem solving skills and reasoning to you? In other words, which one thinks like you?
Odin, Magneto, Iron Man
Rogue, Beast, Bruce Banner
Nick Fury, Thor, Hawkeye
Charles Xavier, Spiderman, Groot

When given a big project or assignment...

When given a big project or assignment...
You are better at starting rather than finishing.
You have really good ideas, but tend to have trouble staying focused.
You spend most of your time coming up with the plan, then finish quickly.
You follow the directions carefully and finish on time.

When making decisions you...

When making decisions you...
seek agreement and harmonious relations among group
seek truth
prefer to get closure and act
keep things open-ended and adapt

Choose the group that contains the Harry Potter character that is most like you:

Choose the group that contains the Harry Potter character that is most like you:
Cedric Diggory, Ron Weasly, Professor Lupin, Luna Lovegood
Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore
Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Fred and George Weasly, Hagrid
Lilly Potter, Professor McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Snape

Choose the group that contains the Star Wars character that is most like you. When choosing your like character, remember it is about personality/character/beliefs not physical things like age, gender, or appearance.

Choose the group that contains the Star Wars character that is most like you. When choosing your like character, remember it is about personality/character/beliefs not physical things like age, gender, or appearance.
Yoda, The Emperor/Senator Palpatine, R2-D2, Princess Leia
Chewbacca, Han Solo, Wicket
Padme Amidala, Qui Gon Jin, Obi-wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker
Darth Vader, Jar Jar Binks, C3P0

Which quote best describes you?

Which quote best describes you?
"Doing what should be done."
"Everything has room for improvement."
"Giving life an extra squeeze."
"Ready to try anything once."

Would you describe your leadership style as a...

Would you describe your leadership style as a...

Which Hunger Games character do you identify with? (remember personality, goals, character-not favoritism or appearance)

Which Hunger Games character do you identify with? (remember personality, goals, character-not favoritism or appearance)
Rue, Mags, Johanna, Cinna
Primrose, Katniss, Gale, Effie
President Snow, Plutarch, Haymitch, Coin
Ceasar, Finnink, Peeta, Seneca

What would you say about this glass?

What would you say about this glass?
This glass is 100% full-half liquid and half air.
This glass is 99% empty since the space between atoms is HUGE.
Who drank my milk?
I'd just drink what's in the glass because I'm thirsty.

You handle in information...

You handle in information...
in a practical or useful way
in a creative way

Which group of Disney characters do you most identify with? Not which is your favorite, but which group would you fit in with?

Which group of Disney characters do you most identify with? Not which is your favorite, but which group would you fit in with?
Woody, Marlin (Finding Nemo), Zazu, Jimini Crickett, or Snow White
Mulan, Ariel, Chicken Little, Pocahontas, or Mufasa
Pumbaa, Tinkerbell, FLIK, Timon, Mushu, or Flynn Rider
Jack Skellington, Robin Hood, Shang, Milo, Basil, or Buzz Lightyear

When working in a group, are you more interested in...

When working in a group, are you more interested in...
checking the directions/product/rubric to ensure you get a good grade (quality control)
coming up with the plan (creator)
making sure everyone is getting along (harmonizer)
presenting the final project in front of the class (performer)