Would you rather? (11) This is just a basic would you rather. Hope you like it! Comment and like. Efeast published on September 24, 2015 Stacked 1/16 Would you rather have a head the size of a peanut or a head the size of a watermelon? Watermelon Peanut 2/16 Would you rather shout for the rest of your life or whisper for the rest of your life Shout Whisper 3/16 Would you rather be filthy rich but depressed or very poor but happy? Filthy rich Very poor 4/16 Very well. Would you rather die a painful death everyone would love you for or a nice death that everyone would hate you for? Nice death Painful death 5/16 Would you rather break your leg or break your arm (forever) Left arm Left leg Right arm Right leg 6/16 Would you rather have glasses or braces? Braces Glasses 7/16 Would you rather have no arms or no legs? No arms No legs 8/16 Would you rather talk like Jar Jar Binks or talk like Jar Jar Binks? Talk Look like him 9/16 Would you rather go on X factor or Britans got talent X factor Britans got talent 10/16 Would you rather be 7'7 or 4'5? 7'7 4'5 11/16 Would you rather meet Santa or a superstar! SANTA! durh Superstar! Duaa 12/16 Would you rather have small eyes with huge ears or small ears with huge eyes Huge eyes and small ears Huge ears and small eyes 13/16 Would you rather have a power of invisibility or flight? Flight Invisibility 14/16 Would you rather end this quiz now or continue it? Continue End 15/16 Would you rather drop your device in a ocean or drop it in a high cliff? High Cliff Ocean 16/16 Would you rather eat at Mcdonald's or Boston pizza? Mcdonalds Boston pizza