Which Rihanna Are You? Find out which side of Rihanna's personality matches yours! Take this quiz to find out! michelle published on May 06, 2024 Stacked 1/11 What is your favorite Rihanna song? Work Umbrella Diamonds Love on the Brain 2/11 What is your go-to fashion style? Power Suit Edgy Glamorous Romantic 3/11 How do you handle criticism? Ignore it Let it affect you Brush it off Address it head on 4/11 What's your ideal night out? Networking event Red carpet event Wild party Intimate dinner 5/11 How do you handle stress? Delegate tasks Seek comfort Work harder Distract yourself 6/11 What's your favorite way to unwind? Spa day Reading a book Cuddling up with a loved one Adventure 7/11 How do you approach decision making? Go with your gut Seek advice from loved ones Analyze all options Consult with others 8/11 What's your favorite accessory? Heart-shaped locket Statement jewelry Tattoos Briefcase 9/11 How do you express yourself? Through leadership Through fashion Through love letters Through music 10/11 What's most important to you? Power Freedom Love Success 11/11 How do you deal with haters? Spread love instead Shake them off Ignore them Prove them wrong