Blep BLEP BLEP BLEP! This is a quiz that I made to be random. It may be dumb to U but still... chara.Dreamur published on October 28, 2016 Stacked 1/5 Do U like Blood or Flowers? FLOWERS! (me:same) BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Me:Um....) Mhe (Me;Good answer) 2/5 If your friend was going to die in front of U would you save them or just watch them? Save them (Me: ; ) good job) Just watch them DIE!!! (me: MEAN!! : P) Mhe (Me: : P) 3/5 Do U like Genoside or Pasifist (sorry if I spelt anythng wrong PASIFIST!!!!! (Me: BLEP) GENOSIDE!!!!! Netrel 4/5 What gender? Netrel I WON'T TELL U B*** (Me: PLZ DON'T SWEAR!) Not any. (me: KK) 5/5 Did U Enjoy YES! (Me: My first Quiz so Thanks) I HATE IT! (Me: I understand) It's OK (me: Thanks)