Are you a nice person? (3) To see if you are a nice person or a mean person. Don't feel bad if you get a mean person though. Jellyscent published on November 23, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Do you have friends? yes no 2/7 You find a cat on the street without a tag. What do you do? I take him to an animal shelter. I leave him alone. 3/7 You decide to bring him to the shelter. What do you say to the person at the counter? I found this cat on the street. He didn't have a collar so I decide to take him here. I named him Fluffy. I didn't take him to the shelter. 4/7 They take him and offer you a cookie. What type do you take? A yummy one :) I didn't go to the shelter. 5/7 When you go home you see a turtle and a car coming. What do you do? Tell the car to stop. Shove the turtle out of the way. 6/7 Do you like creepypastas? no yes 7/7 What do you think you are? nice mean