Sensing vs. Intuition Quiz

Find out if you rely more on your senses or intuition. Take this quiz to find out!

published on June 07, 2024

When making decisions, do you prefer to rely on facts and data or gut feelings and possibilities?

When making decisions, do you prefer to rely on facts and data or gut feelings and possibilities?
Gut feelings and possibilities
Facts and data

What is your approach when faced with a new problem or challenge?

Analyze the situation step by step
Trust your instincts and go with your first impression

How do you prefer to learn new information or skills?

How do you prefer to learn new information or skills?
Through hands-on experience and practical application
Through reading, research, and thinking about concepts

In social situations, do you tend to focus more on what is happening in the present moment or future possibilities?

In social situations, do you tend to focus more on what is happening in the present moment or future possibilities?
Present moment
Future possibilities

When planning a trip or event, what is your priority?

Having a detailed itinerary
Leaving room for spontaneity and surprises

What type of books or movies do you enjoy the most?

What type of books or movies do you enjoy the most?
Fantasy and imagination-driven tales
Practical and realistic stories

How do you approach exploring new places or trying new activities?

How do you approach exploring new places or trying new activities?
Research and plan everything in advance
Go with the flow and see where the day takes you

When recalling past events, what stands out to you the most?

When recalling past events, what stands out to you the most?
Overall themes and underlying meanings
Specific details and sensory experiences

How do you prefer to express yourself creatively?

How do you prefer to express yourself creatively?
By exploring new ideas and unconventional concepts
Through craftsmanship and skill

What is your attitude towards change and uncertainty?

What is your attitude towards change and uncertainty?
Embrace change and adaptability
Prefer stability and familiarity

How do you approach solving problems in a group setting?

How do you approach solving problems in a group setting?
By following logical steps and proven methods
By offering creative ideas and thinking outside the box