what dog breed is actually right for you?

what dog breed is actually right for you?

are you looking in to getting a dog or just wanna take a quiz? well then this is a great quiz for you! comment and follow!

published on November 10, 2014

what size dog are you looking for?

what size dog are you looking for?
teacup dog! they are super cute and tiny and keep me young
small. a lap dog that I can still play with!
medium. a dog I can be active with but still have down time with!
large! a big dog that I can be active with and be mine
huge/giant! a very big companion that will have people looking at twice!

what's your walking plan with your dog?

what's your walking plan with your dog?
2-5 times a week
30 minutes every day
2-3 times a day
a very long walk once a day
once a day

how much of a a guard should your dog be?

how much of a a guard should your dog be?
I live in a safe community so no need for a guard dog.
not a guard dog but make a bit of noise so I know if some ones at the door.
a dog with a fair bark but not a guard dog.
barks enough to think intruders think twice.
a "beware of dog" dog is perfect for me!

what do people think of you?

what do people think of you?
energetic and fun!
creative and active!
youthful and cute!
loyal and smart!
playful and funny!

hi! im back!

hi! im back!
hi! hi! hi! hi!where have you been?
hey friend hey!
lets go play now!
heyyy! lets have fun now!
hi I thought you would never come back