Are you good at comebacks? Comeback Pro? Or just plain come back NO! time to test yourself and your comeback ability, ready to give it a go? pingpongvcgh published on December 20, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Someone younger than you calls you Ugly, Youre just like..: "Thats what your mum said when you where born!" Youd probably honestly just look at them like, `whod you think you are. seriously?` Stutter and then be like... "Well um right back at ya..! think of a good one... Oops theyve gone! (Other) 2/10 Someone insists you take a crisp, youre about to take one when they snatch em' right back and laugh at you. Youre Just like: "Gimme them" *Takes crisp and walks away "You know, i didnt even want a crisp anyway" "damn!" 3/10 Complete the sentences (with honesty ;) When someone throws a fast comeback... You throw it back faster! taking a mili second / second pause doesnt hurt , right? they wouldnt dare throw a comeback, not to the comeback pro! (None/Other) 4/10 You're more comeback... Pro than comeback no! No than i am a comeback pro! Slow , im not a comeback no! Pro, I am never comeback slow! 5/10 Someone snatches your cookie! You just payed for this! You go and: Fight,Get that cookie back and eat the last crumb Catch em red handed, confront them, take that cookie! Let them take it. the cookie was nice while it lasted . :( Stand there. Just , literally.. stand there. Chase them after the cookie. get it back and leave! Spend rest of day chasing after it and probably failing and eventually giving up. 6/10 Someone makes fun of your insecurity. Play the guilt game on them, make them so guilty they take it back. They where probably joking. right? *Stare Down begins (None/Other) 7/10 People at school are like: Yeah, you are good at comebacks. Come on. everyone knows youre terrible at comebacks ! Youre .. ok at comebacks :) You dont do comebacks ! Comeback Pro is in the house! 8/10 Youre siblings/friends are like: Im better at comebacks than you! Im friends with the comeback pro! Comeback no. Comeback aint' your thing Other... 9/10 Youd be surprised if the quiz results where like: Youre a comeback pro! Youre a comeback NO! Youre comeback slow! ...Im not sure what it will say. (Other..) 10/10 You WOULDNT be surprised if the results where like: Youre bad at comebacks Youre good at comebacks Youre alright at comebacks