Which Divergent faction are you most suited for? By taking this test, you can see which faction might be best for you! You cannot be Divergent, the test results cannot be inconclusive. Have fun! ILikeCheese published on September 01, 2016 Stacked 1/5 which of these symbols represents you best an eye a handshake a set of scales a fire a tree 2/5 where do you LIKE TO spend your time a farm with people without other people a big city (I'm thinking Vegas) the library school-classrooms specificly the amusement park in an art place the forest in a music place 3/5 How do you feel about school? I feel like it is an adventure just waiting to happen I enjoy it but don't have much to say about it I strongly dislike school, not that being smart is unimportant but...the other parts of school! I go to school and like it. I like to see other people at school 4/5 if you had to wear one of these colors every day, what would it be? orange dark anything two opposite colors black and white green 5/5 If you could play one of these instruments, what would it be? banjo or guitar Piano or keyboard french horn or english horn Trumpet or Trombone jug or irish flute castanets or guiro Drums or tympany maracas or cymbals violin or viola flute or pan flute