Democrat or Republican? Democrat, Republican, or not really any? It's just a personality quiz, so don't take it too seriously. TheSortingHat published on February 10, 2015 Stacked 1/8 Should we 'bring the troops home' (have soldiers serving in other countries come back to the USA)? No, we need to make sure those countries don't get out of hand Yes, most of those countries don't need our help and can do without us 2/8 What do you think of gun restriction laws? People should be allowed to own guns, it's the citizen's property For the safety of citizens, people shouldn't be allowed to own guns 3/8 Are you for/against abortion? For Against 4/8 There should be more opportunities for... The lower class Business Owners 5/8 Should the government have more/less of a role in the lives of it's citizens? Yes, it should No, it shouldn't 6/8 Are you for/against same-sex marriage? Against For 7/8 Which is more important? Equality Freedom 8/8 What do you think of taxes? Lower taxes, it will support spending which leads to a stronger economy Higher taxes, so that we can better care for our citizens with the money