Which county is the best for you? This quiz will help you decide the county that's best for you. Answer the following questions. Tara_harrington published on May 14, 2014 Stacked 1/10 Which country would you rather live in? Unites states Brazil Japan UK 2/10 Which of these would you prefer? Desert Rain forest Mountains Tundra 3/10 Which is the safest country? Japan US Guatemala 4/10 Dense population or less dense population? Dense Less dense 5/10 Which country would you least want to go to? Somalia Cuba North Korea Haiti 6/10 City or country? City Country 7/10 What kind of food do you like? Italian Mexican Chinese American 8/10 Would you live in a place where you get paid more but things are more expensive or you get paid less and things are lower prices? More Less 9/10 What's your favorite season? Summer Winter Spring Fall 10/10 Would you rather live inland or on the coast? Coast Inland