Would I Date You? GUYS ONLY! (3) Boys, wanna find out if I would date you? Then take this fun and exciting new quiz! AmazinglyAmberYT published on October 24, 2023 Stacked 1/10 How would you describe yourself using 2 words? Sensitive and sweet Passionate and thoughtful Rude and mean 2/10 What color is your hair? Black Blonde Other 3/10 What is your eye color? Blue or brown Green or gray Other 4/10 How old are you? 13-17 18-20 21-30 5/10 Do you like Disney? Yes Kinda No 6/10 Do you like Universal Studios? Yes Kinda No 7/10 How many dates would you like to go on? None 1-3 More than 3 8/10 What is your favorite sport? Basketball or soccer Hockey, swim, or lacrosse Golf, football, or baseball 9/10 Which season do you like the most? Spring or Summer Fall or Winter All of them! 10/10 If you could choose to do one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Start a business Travel the world Raise a family